Our School Council meets 8 times a year and comprises 7 parents and 4 staff and 1 community member who together:
- establish the broad direction and vision for the school
- develop, review and update the policies of the school
- raise funds for school related purposes
- regulate and facilitate the after-hours use of our school
- exercise general oversight of the buildings and grounds ensuring they are kept in good order and condition
- ensure all money coming into the hands of the council is properly expended
- ensure they take account of the views expressed by the school community for the purpose of making decisions in the best interests of the school and our students
- ensure the annual report and school’s strategic plan is published and available to the school community
- stimulate interest in the school in the wider community.
Finance Sub Committee
The Finance & Administration Sub-Committee has the role of;
- Supporting the Principal and Business Manager in the financial management of the school, to maximise benefits to current and future students
- Reviewing the monthly receipts, payments, bank statements, program budget reports and other financial reports
- Planning the budget for subsequent year – making recommendations to School Council
- Providing input into the development of school strategic goals
- Ensuring our resources are targeted at meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan
- Ensuring funding and resources are allocated towards school maintenance and capital development projects
- Review of Policy & Procedures as necessary
- To advise School Council as appropriate
The committee consists of The Principal, Assistant Principal, Business Manager, School Council members and interested parents.
Buildings & Grounds (BAGs) Sub Committee
The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee has responsibility for:
- Maintaining and improving the schools buildings and grounds
- Planning for the future development of the school buildings and grounds
- Conducting regular safety audits of the school buildings, grounds and playground equipment. Organizing appropriate corrective actions with timings aligned to the hazard levels.
Education Sub Committee
The Education Sub-Committee has the role of:
- Providing input into the connections between the school’s strategic goals and the school’s curriculum and programs
- The planning, implementation and actioning of school policy and procedure development and review.
- Parent education opportunities and needs
The committee consists of both teaching staff and parents.
Fundraising & Community Events
The Fundraising and Community Events group exists to serve the school through the following functions:
- Events with key purpose of bringing people together through school community involvement in “events”, public relations, promotion of the school and assistance in student events as requested.
- Fundraising (not necessarily for profit but a by-product of “events”, The Funds raised through these activities are pooled into the general school budget as a whole and while we do not have the authority to determine disbursement, we can make a recommendation to the School Council for the use of the funds.
- Official School Council Functions & Events, as requested eg: School Council Thank-you Evening