Use effective communication to build trust between school staff and parents. This includes clear and respectful messages, effective listening and following up on commitments.
Ensure communication is focused as much as possible on student learning. Develop clear and proactive advice about school policies, routines and other operational matters so that more time and effort is available for communicating about students’ needs and progress.
Hold parenting workshops focused on the role parents can play in providing a home environment that supports learning (Emerson, 2011).
Use of a wide range of communication tools and channels, including newsletters, websites, e-mails, assemblies, parent/teacher interviews, School Council meetings, ClassDojo, Facebook and COMPASS.
Use language that is clear and accessible to parents and the community. Avoid or explain confusing educational terms.
Develop a school calendar outlining key points in the school year where engagement of parents and the community is vital and the specific activities to be used to engage them.
Provide interpreters to meet the diverse needs of parents and community members.
Share consistent and ongoing messages of high expectations for all students and their learning.
Select communication strategies that are appropriate for parents of students of different ages and stages of development, for example:
Parent information Session
Parent Teacher Interviews
Newsletter published on website and through COMPASS and ClassDojo
Invite parents into classrooms once a term to observe and celebrate learnings
Use ClassDojo to communicate
Phone parents and use interpreter as necessary
Invite and encourage parents to assembly
Invite and encourage parents to partake in whole school events and celebrations